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Manuscripts and Publications

González HM, Tarraf W, Gouskova N, Gallo LC, Penedo FJ, Davis SM, Lipton RB, Arguelles W, Choca JP, Catellier DJ et al..  2015.  Neurocognitive function among middle-aged and older Hispanic/Latinos: results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 30(1):68-77.
Qi Q, Strizich G, Merchant G, Sotres-Alvarez D, Buelna C, Castañeda SF, Gallo LC, Cai J, Gellman MD, Isasi CR et al..  2015.  Objectively Measured Sedentary Time and Cardiometabolic Biomarkers in US Hispanic/Latino Adults: The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).. Circulation. 132(16):1560-9.
Ramos AR, Tarraf W, Rundek T, Redline S, Wohlgemuth WK, Loredo JS, Sacco RL, Lee DJ, Arens R, Lazalde P et al..  2015.  Obstructive sleep apnea and neurocognitive function in a Hispanic/Latino population.. Neurology. 84(4):391-8.
Sanders AE, Essick GK, Beck JD, Cai J, Beaver S, Finlayson TL, Zee PC, Loredo JS, Ramos AR, Singer RH et al..  2015.  Periodontitis and Sleep Disordered Breathing in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Sleep. 38(8):1195-203.
Ricardo AC, Flessner MF, Eckfeldt JH, Eggers PW, Franceschini N, Go AS, Gotman NM, Kramer HJ, Kusek JW, Loehr LR et al..  2015.  Prevalence and Correlates of CKD in Hispanics/Latinos in the United States.. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 10(10):1757-66.
Arellano-Morales L, Roesch SC, Gallo LC, Emory KT, Molina KM, Gonzalez P, Penedo FJ, Navas-Nacher EL, Teng Y, Deng Y et al..  2015.  Prevalence and Correlates of Perceived Ethnic Discrimination in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Sociocultural Ancillary Study.. J Lat Psychol. 3(3):160-176.
Kallwitz ER, Daviglus ML, Allison MA, Emory KT, Zhao L, Kuniholm MH, Chen J, Gouskova N, Pirzada A, Talavera GA et al..  2015.  Prevalence of suspected nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in Hispanic/Latino individuals differs by heritage.. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 13(3):569-76.
Isasi CR, Parrinello CM, Jung MM, Carnethon MR, Birnbaum-Weitzman O, Espinoza RA, Penedo FJ, Perreira KM, Schneiderman N, Sotres-Alvarez D et al..  2015.  Psychosocial stress is associated with obesity and diet quality in Hispanic/Latino adults.. Ann Epidemiol. 25(2):84-9.
Rodriguez CJ, Dharod A, Allison MA, Shah SJ, Hurwitz B, Bangdiwala SI, Gonzalez F, Kitzman D, Gillam L, Spevack D et al..  2015.  Rationale and Design of the Echocardiographic Study of Hispanics/Latinos (ECHO-SOL).. Ethn Dis. 25(2):180-6.
Patel SR, Weng J, Rueschman M, Dudley KA, Loredo JS, Mossavar-Rahmani Y, Ramirez M, Ramos AR, Reid K, Seiger AN et al..  2015.  Reproducibility of a Standardized Actigraphy Scoring Algorithm for Sleep in a US Hispanic/Latino Population.. Sleep. 38(9):1497-503.
Parrinello CM, Isasi CR, Xue X, Bandiera FC, Cai J, Lee DJ, Navas-Nacher EL, Perreira KM, Salgado H, Kaplan RC.  2015.  Risk of Cigarette Smoking Initiation During Adolescence Among US-Born and Non-US-Born Hispanics/Latinos: The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Am J Public Health. 105(6):1230-6.
Palta P, McMurray RG, Gouskova NA, Sotres-Alvarez D, Davis SM, Carnethon M, Castañeda SF, Gellman MD, Hankinson AL, Isasi CR et al..  2015.  Self-reported and accelerometer-measured physical activity by body mass index in US Hispanic/Latino adults: HCHS/SOL.. Prev Med Rep. 2:824-8.
Shah N, Allison M, Teng Y, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Sotres-Alvarez D, Ramos AR, Zee PC, Criqui MH, Yaggi HK, Gallo LC et al..  2015.  Sleep apnea is independently associated with peripheral arterial disease in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 35(3):710-5.
Merzel CR, Isasi CR, Strizich G, Castañeda SF, Gellman M, Giachello ALMaisonet, Lee DJ, Penedo FJ, Perreira KM, Kaplan RC.  2015.  Smoking cessation among U.S. Hispanic/Latino adults: Findings from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).. Prev Med. 81:412-9.
Patel SR, Sotres-Alvarez D, Castañeda SF, Dudley KA, Gallo LC, Hernandez R, Medeiros EA, Penedo FJ, Mossavar-Rahmani Y, Ramos AR et al..  2015.  Social and Health Correlates of Sleep Duration in a US Hispanic Population: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Sleep. 38(10):1515-22.
Vidot DC, Stoutenberg M, Gellman M, Arheart KL, Teng Y, Daviglus ML, González HM, Talavera G, Isasi CR, Heiss G et al..  2016.  Alcohol Consumption and Metabolic Syndrome Among Hispanics/Latinos: The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 14(7):354-62.
Thyagarajan B, Howard AGreen, Durazo-Arvizu R, Eckfeldt JH, Gellman MD, Kim RS, Liu K, Mendez AJ, Penedo FJ, Talavera GA et al..  2016.  Analytical and biological variability in biomarker measurement in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Clin Chim Acta. 463:129-137.
Isasi CR, Jung M, Parrinello CM, Kaplan RC, Kim R, Crespo NC, Gonzalez P, Gouskova NA, Penedo FJ, Perreira KM et al..  2016.  Association of Childhood Economic Hardship with Adult Height and Adult Adiposity among Hispanics/Latinos. The HCHS/SOL Socio-Cultural Ancillary Study.. PLoS One. 11(2):e0149923.
Greenblatt AP, Salazar CR, Northridge ME, Kaplan RC, Taylor GW, Finlayson TL, Qi Q, Badner V.  2016.  Association of diabetes with tooth loss in Hispanic/Latino adults: findings from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 4(1):e000211.
Meyer ML, Gotman NM, Soliman EZ, Whitsel EA, Arens R, Cai J, Daviglus ML, Denes P, González HM, Moreiras J et al..  2016.  Association of glucose homeostasis measures with heart rate variability among Hispanic/Latino adults without diabetes: the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 15:45.
Demmer RT, Allison MA, Cai J, Kaplan RC, Desai AA, Hurwitz BE, Newman JC, Shah SJ, Swett K, Talavera GA et al..  2016.  Association of Impaired Glucose Regulation and Insulin Resistance With Cardiac Structure and Function: Results From ECHO-SOL (Echocardiographic Study of Latinos).. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 9(10)
Murillo R, Reid KJ, Arredondo EM, Cai J, Gellman MD, Gotman NM, Marquez DX, Penedo FJ, Ramos AR, Zee PC et al..  2016.  Association of self-reported physical activity with obstructive sleep apnea: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).. Prev Med. 93:183-188.
Kuniholm MH, Jung M, Del Amo J, Talavera GA, Thyagarajan B, Hershow RC, Damas OM, Kaplan RC.  2016.  Awareness of Hepatitis C Virus Seropositivity and Chronic Infection in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).. J Immigr Minor Health. 18(6):1257-1265.
Ornelas IJ, Lapham GT, Salgado H, Williams EC, Gotman N, Womack V, Davis S, Penedo F, Smoller S, Gallo LC.  2016.  Binge drinking and perceived ethnic discrimination among Hispanics/Latinos: Results from the Hispanic community health study/study of Latinos sociocultural ancillary study.. J Ethn Subst Abuse. 15(3):223-239.
Beasley JM, Jung M, Tasevska N, Wong WW, Siega-Riz AM, Sotres-Alvarez D, Gellman MD, Kizer JR, Shaw PA, Stamler J et al..  2016.  Biomarker-predicted sugars intake compared with self-reported measures in US Hispanics/Latinos: results from the HCHS/SOL SOLNAS study.. Public Health Nutr. 19(18):3256-3264.
