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Manuscripts and Publications

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Community Health Survey (CHS) Validation using data collected from the Bronx site of the Hispanic Community Health Survey / Survey of Latinos..
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  A community-based screening tool for assessment of 6-year risk of hypertension among Hispanics/Latinos: Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Is co-morbid insomnia in obstructive sleep apnea (COMISA) associated with incident cardiovascular events in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos?
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Comparative analysis of measurement approaches for allostatic load in a diverse sample of Hispanic adults.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Comparative Studies of Statistical Methods for Missing Data in Longitudinal Studies with Complex Survey Sampling Design.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Comparing lung cancer risk prediction among men and women: The NHLBI Pooled Cohorts Study.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Comparing trans-ethnic meta-analysis methods using the PAGE Study.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Comparing two methods for estimating the usual intake of nutrients from 24-hour recalls among adolescents from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latino Youth (SOL-Youth).
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Comparison of a-posteriori diet patterns among Mexican-origin adults in Mexico and the US: findings from HCHS/SOL and ENSANUT 2012.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Comparison of diet quality scores in association with cardiometabolic risk factors in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study on Latinos.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Comparison of Latino heritage-specific diet patterns derived using principal factor analysis: findings from the HCHS/SOL Study.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Comparison of preconception diet scores across studies: The PrePARED Consortium.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Comparison of self-report and adjudicated cardiovascular, stroke and pulmonary hospitalized events in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latino (HCHS/SOL).
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Comprehensive evaluation of shotgun metagenomics, amplicon sequencing, and harmonization of these platforms for epidemiological studies.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Computationally efficient ancestry-specific allele frequency estimation in admixed populations: the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Concordance Between Self-Reported Medical Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment/Dementia and Neurocognitive Function Among Middle-Aged and Older Hispanic/Latino Adults: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL) and the .
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Confidence intervals for heritability via Haseman-Elston regression.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Confounding by population structure in HCHS/SOL variance QTL analysis.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Connections between reproductive health and cognitive aging among women enrolled in the HCHS/SOL and SOL-INCA.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Consent for Use of Genetic Data among US Hispanics/Latinos: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/ Study of Latinos.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Consumption of ultra-processed foods and risk of type 2 diabetes: The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods and their Associations with Overall Cancer and Gastrointestinal-Specific Cancer Incidence in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Contemporary assessment of diastolic dysfunction across mid- and late-life: a multi-cohort study.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Contextual factors that foster cognitive stimulation and cognitive function among middle-aged and older Hispanic/Latino adults in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Contribution of Liver Fibrosis, Inflammation and Hypercoagulability to MRI-defined Left Atrial Dysfunction in Hispanics/Latinos: HCHS/SOL.
