Manuscripts and Publications
Differences in Hemoglobin A1c Between Hispanics/Latinos and Non-Hispanic Whites: An Analysis of the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos and the 2007-2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.. Diabetes Care. 39(6):1010-7.
2016. Differences in Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration by Migration History in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Breastfeed Med. 19(12):957-963.
2024. Diets high in subsidized foods and chronic kidney disease in Hispanic communities in the United States: the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. J Public Health Policy. 45(2):247-267.
2024. Dietary Patterns, Asthma, and Lung Function in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 17(3):293-301.
2020. Dietary Patterns and Years Living in the United States by Hispanic/Latino Heritage in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).. J Nutr. 151(9):2749-2759.
2021. Dietary factors, gut microbiota, and serum trimethylamine-N-oxide associated with cardiovascular disease in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Am J Clin Nutr. 113(6):1503-1514.
2021. Dietary Acculturation Is Associated With Altered Gut Microbiome, Circulating Metabolites, and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in US Hispanics and Latinos: Results From HCHS/SOL.. Circulation. 150(3):215-229.
2024. Diet quality, inflammation, and the ankle brachial index in adults with or without cardiometabolic conditions.. Clin Nutr. 37(4):1332-1339.
2018. Diet quality, excess body weight and cardiometabolic risk factors in adolescents living in São Paulo, Brazil and in the USA: differences and similarities.. Public Health Nutr. 24(13):4091-4101.
2021. Diet quality comparisons in Hispanic/Latino siblings: Results from the Hispanic Community Children's Health Study/Study of Latino Youth (SOL Youth).. Appetite. 169:105809.
2022. Diet Quality and Its Association with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors Vary by Hispanic and Latino Ethnic Background in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. J Nutr. 146(10):2035-2044.
2016. Diet quality and dental caries in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. J Public Health Dent. 80(2):140-149.
2020. Diabetes Incidence Among Hispanic/Latino Adults in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).. Diabetes Care. 45(6):1482-1485.
2022. Diabetes, Cognitive Decline, and Mild Cognitive Impairment Among Diverse Hispanics/Latinos: Study of Latinos-Investigation of Neurocognitive Aging Results (HCHS/SOL).. Diabetes Care. 43(5):1111-1117.
2020. Detecting prediabetes among Hispanics/Latinos from diverse heritage groups: Does the test matter? Findings from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. Prev Med. 95:110-118.
2017. Design and implementation of the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Ann Epidemiol. 20(8):629-41.
2010. Depression, anxiety, antidepressant use, and cardiovascular disease among Hispanic men and women of different national backgrounds: results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Ann Epidemiol. 24(11):822-30.
2014. Demographic and sociocultural risk factors for adulthood weight gain in Hispanic/Latinos: results from the Hispanic Community Health Study / Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).. BMC Public Health. 21(1):2064.
2021. Defining Abdominal Obesity as a Risk Factor for Coronary Heart Disease in the U.S.: Results From the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).. Diabetes Care. 43(8):1774-1780.
2020. Day-of-the-Week and Time-of-the-Day Patterns of Sedentary Behavior in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 55(12):2203-2213.
2023. DASH diet and prevalent metabolic syndrome in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Prev Med Rep. 15:100950.
2019. Daily Intake of Sodium and Potassium Among Diverse US Hispanics/Latinos, the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Am J Hypertens. 32(9):868-879.
2019. Current Smoking Raises Risk of Incident Hypertension: Hispanic Community Health Study-Study of Latinos.. Am J Hypertens. 34(2):190-197.
2021. Current Family Functioning and Youth Cardiometabolic Health in the SOL Youth Study.. Int J Behav Med. 30(6):914-923.
2023. Cumulative All-Cause Mortality in Diverse Hispanic/Latino Adults : A Prospective, Multicenter Cohort Study.. Ann Intern Med. 177(3):303-314.