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Manuscripts and Publications

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Lavange L, Davis SM, Hankinson J, Enright P, Wilson R, R Barr G, Aldrich TK, Kalhan R, Lemus H, Ni A et al..  2017.  Spirometry Reference Equations from the HCHS/SOL (Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos).. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 196(8):993-1003.
LaVange LM.  0.  Spirometry Reference Equations for US Hispanics/Latinos using Data from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.
LeCroy MN, Strizich GM, Gallo LC, Perreira KP, Ayala GX, Carnethon MR, Delamater AM, Gonzalez JS, Arredondo EM, Pulgaron ER et al..  2021.  The Association of the Parent-Child Language Acculturation Gap with Obesity and Cardiometabolic Risk in Hispanic/Latino Youth: Results from the Hispanic Community Children's Health Study/Study of Latino Youth (SOL Youth).. Ann Behav Med. 55(8):734-745.
LeCroy MN, Mossavar-Rahmani Y, Xue X, Wang T, Gallo LC, Perreira KM, Garcia ML, Clark TL, Daviglus ML, Van Horn L et al..  2022.  Diet quality comparisons in Hispanic/Latino siblings: Results from the Hispanic Community Children's Health Study/Study of Latino Youth (SOL Youth).. Appetite. 169:105809.
LeCroy MN, Evenson KR, Perreira KM, Van Horn L, Xue X, Gallo LC, Daviglus ML, Isasi CR.  2024.  Correlations in Siblings' Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior: Results from the Hispanic Community Children's Health Study/Study of Latino Youth.. Child Obes. 20(5):301-308.
LeCroy MN, Siega-Riz AMaria, Albrecht SS, Ward DS, Cai J, Perreira KM, Isasi CR, Mossavar-Rahmani Y, Gallo LC, Castañeda SF et al..  2019.  Association of food parenting practice patterns with obesogenic dietary intake in Hispanic/Latino youth: Results from the Hispanic Community Children's Health Study/Study of Latino Youth (SOL Youth).. Appetite. 140:277-287.
LeCroy MN, Hua S, Kaplan RC, Sotres-Alvarez D, Qi Q, Thyagarajan B, Gallo LC, Pirzada A, Daviglus ML, Schneiderman N et al..  2021.  Associations of changes in fat free mass with risk for type 2 diabetes: Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 171:108557.
Lee DJ.  0.  Eye Healthcare Utilization in Hispanics: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).
Lee ARS, Rodriquez EJ, Gallo LC, Giachello AL, Isasi CR, Perreira KM, Daviglus ML, Kaplan RC, Talavera GA, Pérez-Stable EJ et al..  2023.  Acculturation level and change in cigarette consumption behaviors among diverse Hispanics/Latinos: the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Ann Epidemiol. 84:33-40.
Lee Y, Chen H, Chen W, Qi Q, Afshar M, Cai J, Daviglus ML, Thyagarajan B, North KE, London SJ et al..  2022.  Metabolomic Associations of Asthma in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Metabolites. 12(4)
J Leigh A, Kaplan RC, Swett K, Balfour P, Kansal MM, Talavera GA, Perreira K, Blaha MJ, Benjamin EJ, Robertson R et al..  2017.  Smoking intensity and duration is associated with cardiac structure and function: the ECHOcardiographic Study of Hispanics/Latinos.. Open Heart. 4(2):e000614.
Lerman S, Jung M, Arredondo EM, Barnhart JM, Cai J, Castañeda SF, Daviglus ML, Espinoza RA, Giachello AL, Molina KM et al..  2018.  Religiosity prevalence and its association with depression and anxiety symptoms among Hispanic/Latino adults.. PLoS One. 13(2):e0185661.
Lerman S.  0.  Religion and depressive and anxiety symptoms among Hispanic/Latino adults: The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).
Li Y, Wong KYau, Howard AGreen, Gordon-Larsen P, Highland HM, Graff M, North KE, Downie CG, Avery CL, Yu B et al..  2024.  Mendelian randomization with incomplete measurements on the exposure in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. HGG Adv. 5(1):100245.
Li Y, Chen G-C, Moon J-Y, Arthur R, Sotres-Alvarez D, Daviglus ML, Pirzada A, Mattei J, Perreira KM, Rotter JI et al..  2024.  Genetic Subtypes of Prediabetes, Healthy Lifestyle, and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes.. Diabetes. 73(7):1178-1187.
Li X, Sotres-Alvarez D, Gallo LC, Ramos AR, Avilés-Santa L, Perreira KM, Isasi CR, Zee PC, Savin KL, Schneiderman N et al..  2021.  Associations of Sleep-disordered Breathing and Insomnia with Incident Hypertension and Diabetes. The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 203(3):356-365.
Li J, Hua S, Chen G-C, Strizich G, Kuniholm MH, Shan Z, Talavera GA, Castañeda SF, Gellman MD, Cai J et al..  2020.  Objectively measured sedentary time, physical activity and liver enzyme elevations in US Hispanics/Latinos.. Liver Int. 40(8):1883-1894.
Liang J, Le TH, Edwards DRVelez, Tayo BO, Gaulton KJ, Smith JA, Lu Y, Jensen RA, Chen G, Yanek LR et al..  2017.  Single-trait and multi-trait genome-wide association analyses identify novel loci for blood pressure in African-ancestry populations.. PLoS Genet. 13(5):e1006728.
Lin D-Y, Tao R, Kalsbeek WD, Zeng D, Gonzalez F, Fernández-Rhodes L, Graff M, Koch GG, North KE, Heiss G.  2014.  Genetic association analysis under complex survey sampling: the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Am J Hum Genet. 95(6):675-88.
Lin BM, Zhang Y, Yu B, Boerwinkle E, Thygarajan B, Yunes M, Daviglus ML, Qi Q, Kaplan R, Lash J et al..  2022.  Metabolome-wide association study of estimated glomerular filtration rates in Hispanics.. Kidney Int. 101(1):144-151.
Linares JD, Jackson LR, Dawood FZ, Swett K, Benjamin EJ, Schneiderman N, Soliman EZ, Cai J, Alonso A, Wassertheil-Smoller S et al..  2019.  Prevalence of atrial fibrillation and association with clinical, sociocultural, and ancestral correlates among Hispanic/Latinos: The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Heart Rhythm. 16(5):686-693.
Liu H, Ling W, Hua X, Moon J-Y, Williams-Nguyen JS, Zhan X, Plantinga AM, Zhao N, Zhang A, Knight R et al..  2023.  Kernel-based genetic association analysis for microbiome phenotypes identifies host genetic drivers of beta-diversity.. Microbiome. 11(1):80.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Language preference and its moderating role in coping with stress: The Hispanic Community Health Study / Study of Latinos.
Llabre MM.  0.  Childhood trauma and adult disease among Hispanics in the US: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.
Llabre MM, Arguelles W, Schneiderman N, Gallo LC, Daviglus ML, Chambers EC, Sotres-Alvarez D, Chirinos DA, Talavera GA, Castañeda SF et al..  2015.  Do all components of the metabolic syndrome cluster together in U.S. Hispanics/Latinos? Results from the Hispanic Community Health study/Study of Latinos. Ann Epidemiol. 25(7):480-5.
