Manuscripts and Publications
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Differences in Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration by Migration History in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Breastfeed Med. 19(12):957-963.
2024. Differences in Hemoglobin A1c Between Hispanics/Latinos and Non-Hispanic Whites: An Analysis of the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos and the 2007-2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.. Diabetes Care. 39(6):1010-7.
2016. .
0. Do all components of the metabolic syndrome cluster together in U.S. Hispanics/Latinos? Results from the Hispanic Community Health study/Study of Latinos. Ann Epidemiol. 25(7):480-5.
2015. .
0. Dyslipidemia patterns among Hispanics/Latinos of diverse background in the United States.. Am J Med. 127(12):1186-94.e1.
2014. Economic and Psychosocial Impact of COVID-19 in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Health Equity. 7(1):206-215.
2023. Elucidating the Multidimensionality of Socioeconomic Status in Relation to Metabolic Syndrome in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).. Int J Behav Med. 27(2):188-199.
2020. .
2019. .
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0. Evolving Science on Cardiovascular Disease Among Hispanic/Latino Adults: JACC International.. J Am Coll Cardiol. 81(15):1505-1520.
2023. .
2022. Factor structure of the Perceived Stress Scale-10 (PSS) across English and Spanish language responders in the HCHS/SOL Sociocultural Ancillary Study.. Psychol Assess. 29(3):320-328.
2017. Factorial invariance of the Marianismo Beliefs Scale among Latinos in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Sociocultural Ancillary Study.. J Clin Psychol. 77(1):312-328.
2021. Factors associated with undiagnosed diabetes among adults with diabetes: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 146:258-266.
2018. .
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0. Family Environment and the Metabolic Syndrome: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL) Sociocultural Ancillary Study (SCAS).. Ann Behav Med. 49(6):793-801.
2015. Fatalism and hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment and control in US Hispanics/Latinos: results from HCHS/SOL Sociocultural Ancillary Study.. J Behav Med. 40(2):271-280.
2017. Findings from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos on the Importance of Sociocultural Environmental Interactors: Polygenic Risk Score-by-Immigration and Dietary Interactions.. Front Genet. 12:720750.
2021. Food Insecurity Among Hispanic/Latino Youth: Who Is at Risk and What Are the Health Correlates? J Adolesc Health. 64(5):631-639.
2019. .
2022. .