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Manuscripts and Publications

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[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Structural and psychosocial risk factors for comorbid depression and diabetes in U.S. Hispanics/Latinos from the HCHS/SOL and Sociocultural Ancillary Study: A syndemic approach.
Bai F, Chen J, Pandey D, Durazo-Arvizu R, Talavera GA, Allison MA, Perreira KM, Schneiderman N, Sutherland MW, Cai J et al..  2021.  Stroke Risk Factor Status and Use of Stroke Prevention Medications Among Hispanic/Latino Adults in HCHS/SOL.. Stroke. 52(4):1339-1346.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Stroke Risk Factor Status and Use of Stroke Prevention Medications Among Hispanic/Latino Adults in HCHS/SOL.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Stressing Out: Differences in Sources of Stress and Resilience by Citizenship and Immigration Background and their Consequences for Health among US Hispanic/Latinos.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Stress Subtypes among Latino Adults: Results from the HCHS/SOL Sociocultural Ancillary Study.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Stress Profiles among Hispanic/Latino Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Parents: Results from the SOL Youth Study.
Muñoz E, Gallo LC, Hua S, Sliwinski MJ, Kaplan R, Lipton RB, González HM, Penedo FJ, Tarraf W, Daviglus ML et al..  2021.  Stress Is Associated With Neurocognitive Function in Hispanic/Latino Adults: Results From HCHS/SOL Socio-Cultural Ancillary Study.. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 76(4):e122-e128.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Stress, Gender, and Minority Status in Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos: Sample, Design, and Procedures.
Penedo FJ.  0.  Stress, cardiometabolic risk and CVD & T2D prevalence in Hispanic/Latinos in the US: Does culture matter? Results from HCHS/SOL
Munoz E.  0.  Is stress associated with impaired cognitive function? Results from HCHS/SOL Socio-Cultural Ancillary Study
Alcantara C, Patel SR, Carnethon M, Castaneda S, Isasi CR, Davis S, Ramos A, Arredondo E, Redline S, Zee PC et al..  2017.  Stress and Sleep: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Sociocultural Ancillary Study.. SSM Popul Health. 3:713-721.
Perreira KM, Marchante AN, Schwartz SJ, Isasi CR, Carnethon MR, Corliss HL, Kaplan RC, Santisteban DA, Vidot DC, Van Horn L et al..  2019.  Stress and Resilience: Key Correlates of Mental Health and Substance Use in the Hispanic Community Health Study of Latino Youth.. J Immigr Minor Health. 21(1):4-13.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Stress and Neurocognitive Function among Middle-aged and Older Latinos: Biological Pathways.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  A step-by-step guide how to treat race or ethnicity and genetic ancestry in genomic studies of diverse populations: PAGE Study.
Moore CC, Cuthbertson CC, Sotres-Alvarez D, Castañeda SF, Cordero C, Daviglus ML, Mossavar-Rahmani Y, Perreira KM, Evenson KR.  2023.  Step-Based Metrics and Translations of Physical Activity Guidelines among Adults in the HCHS/SOL.. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 55(8):1423-1433.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Step-Based Metrics and Translations of Physical Activity Guidelines among Adults in the HCHS/SOL.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Statistical Strategies for the Analysis of Diet-Disease Models (DDM) Using Biomarker-Calibrated Nutrients under Complex Survey Design.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Statistical Methodology: The tensor mixture model for compositional data with essential zeros: Jointly profiling accelerometry-assessed physical activity and sedentary behavior in the Hispanic Community Health Study / Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Statistical methodology paper: Practical considerations for sandwich variance estimation in two-stage regression settings.
Qato DM, Lee TA, Durazo-Arvizu R, Wu D, Wilder J, Reina SA, Cai J, Gonzalez F, Talavera GA, Ostfeld RJ et al..  2016.  Statin and Aspirin Use Among Hispanic and Latino Adults at High Cardiovascular Risk: Findings From the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. J Am Heart Assoc. 5(4):e002905.
Lavange L, Davis SM, Hankinson J, Enright P, Wilson R, R Barr G, Aldrich TK, Kalhan R, Lemus H, Ni A et al..  2017.  Spirometry Reference Equations from the HCHS/SOL (Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos).. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 196(8):993-1003.
LaVange LM.  0.  Spirometry Reference Equations for US Hispanics/Latinos using Data from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.
Brintz CE.  0.  Spiritual Well-Being, Religious Attendance, and the Metabolic Syndrome in Hispanic Adults in the U.S. Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.
Brintz CE, Birnbaum-Weitzman O, Llabre MM, Castañeda SF, Daviglus ML, Gallo LC, Giachello AL, Kim RS, Lopez L, Teng Y et al..  2017.  Spiritual well-being, religious activity, and the metabolic syndrome: results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Sociocultural Ancillary Study.. J Behav Med. 40(6):902-912.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Sphingolipids and Risk of Diabetes in US Hispanics/Latinos: Results in the HCHS/SOL.
