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Manuscripts and Publications

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Immigration Status and Disparities in Cardiovascular Medication Use Among Hispanic/Latinos: Findings from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  The impact of cardiovascular risk burden, treatment and control on cognition in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Impact of Chronic Stress on Cardiac Structure and Function: A Prospective Analysis of the ECHO-SOL Cohort.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  The Impact of Genetic QT score on Mortality: Replication in the Hispanic Community Health Study/ Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Impact of heterogeneity-by-ancestry on disease mapping in admixed populations: PAGE Study.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Impact of Hispanic heritage group on atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk prediction among US Hispanics: insights from Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Impact of Hispanic Heritage, Immigration Status, and Acculturation on Influenza Immunization.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  The Impact of Religious Coping on Mental and Physical Health Among Individuals with History of Perceived Stress: A Pooled Analysis of the Study on Psychosocial Stress, Spirituality, and Health.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  The Impact of Service Attendance on Patterns of HPA Axis Gene DNA Methylation in Racially Diverse Women: A Pooled Analysis of the Study on Psychosocial Stress, Spirituality, and Health.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on depressive symptom trajectories among US adults: the Collaborative Cohort of Cohorts for COVID-19 Research (C4R).
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Impact of trans-ancestry meta-analysis on the performance of genetic scores for multiple adiposity-related traits: PAGE Study.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  The Impacts of Family Functioning and Individual-Level Psychosocial Risk Factors on Cancer Risk Behaviors in Hispanic/Latino Youth: Results from the Hispanic Community Children’s Health Study/Study of Latino Youth (SOL Youth).
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Improving Blood Pressure Screening Strategies in Young Adults: Results from HCHS/SOL Youth Study.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Improving Detection of Cognitive Impairment within SOL-INCA; A Novel Approach to Practice Effect-Adjustment.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Improving Polygenic Prediction for Depression for Clinical Use: PAGE Study.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Improving Power in Testing Association of Genetic Risk Score by Accounting for Heterogeneity.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Improving Risk Assessment for Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Improving risk assessment for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in young adults.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Imputation of gene expression in admixed populations using C-GEM.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Imputing HLA and KIR haplotypes to further PAGE associations.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Incidence of Diabetes among Diverse Hispanic/Latino Adults in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos, 2008-2024.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Incidence of Heart Failure Among Hispanic/Latino Individuals in the United States: Insights from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Incidence of hypertension and maintenance of normal blood pressure over 12 years: the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos, 2008-2024..
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Inclusion of SDOH in ASCVD Risk Prediction: Combining Data from 6 NHLBI-Sponsored Cohorts (revision approved May2024).
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Income inequality, gentrification, and cancer incidence among adults in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).
