Manuscripts and Publications
Self-reported and accelerometer-measured physical activity by body mass index in US Hispanic/Latino adults: HCHS/SOL.. Prev Med Rep. 2:824-8.
2015. Sleep apnea is independently associated with peripheral arterial disease in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 35(3):710-5.
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2015. Associations of chronic stress burden, perceived stress, and traumatic stress with cardiovascular disease prevalence and risk factors in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Sociocultural Ancillary Study.. Psychosom Med. 76(6):468-75.
2014. Body mass index, sex, and cardiovascular disease risk factors among Hispanic/Latino adults: Hispanic community health study/study of Latinos.. J Am Heart Assoc. 3(4)
2014. Cardiovascular disease risk factors in the Hispanic/Latino population: lessons from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 57(3):230-6.
2014. Challenges in preventing heart disease in hispanics: early lessons learned from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 57(3):253-61.
2014. Depression, anxiety, antidepressant use, and cardiovascular disease among Hispanic men and women of different national backgrounds: results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Ann Epidemiol. 24(11):822-30.
2014. Dyslipidemia patterns among Hispanics/Latinos of diverse background in the United States.. Am J Med. 127(12):1186-94.e1.
2014. Food-group and nutrient-density intakes by Hispanic and Latino backgrounds in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Am J Clin Nutr. 99(6):1487-98.
2014. Genetic association analysis under complex survey sampling: the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Am J Hum Genet. 95(6):675-88.
2014. Heterogeneity in periodontitis prevalence in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Ann Epidemiol. 24(6):455-62.
2014. The Hispanic Community Children's Health Study/Study of Latino Youth (SOL Youth): design, objectives, and procedures.. Ann Epidemiol. 24(1):29-35.
2014. The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Sociocultural Ancillary Study: sample, design, and procedures.. Ethn Dis. 24(1):77-83.
2014. The prevalence of caries and tooth loss among participants in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. J Am Dent Assoc. 145(6):531-40.
2014. Prevalence of diabetes among Hispanics/Latinos from diverse backgrounds: the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL).. Diabetes Care. 37(8):2233-9.
2014. Prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in US Hispanic/Latino adults: results from the NHANES 2007-2010 and HCHS/SOL studies.. J Infect Dis. 209(10):1585-90.
2014. Prevalence of hypertension, awareness, treatment, and control in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Am J Hypertens. 27(6):793-800.
2014. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among Hispanics/Latinos of diverse background: the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Diabetes Care. 37(8):2391-9.
2014. Prevalence of periodontitis according to Hispanic or Latino background among study participants of the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. J Am Dent Assoc. 145(8):805-16.
2014. Sleep-disordered breathing in Hispanic/Latino individuals of diverse backgrounds. The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 189(3):335-44.
2014. Smoking among U.S. Hispanic/Latino adults: the Hispanic community health study/study of Latinos.. Am J Prev Med. 46(5):496-506.
2014. Theoretical foundations of the Study of Latino (SOL) Youth: implications for obesity and cardiometabolic risk.. Ann Epidemiol. 24(1):36-43.
2014. .