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Circulating Metabolites Associated with Albuminuria in a Hispanic/Latino Population.

TitleCirculating Metabolites Associated with Albuminuria in a Hispanic/Latino Population.
Publication TypePublication
AuthorsReynolds KM, Lin BM, Armstrong ND, Ottosson F, Zhang Y, Williams AS, Yu B, Boerwinkle E, Thygarajan B, Daviglus ML, Muoio D, Qi Q, Kaplan R, Melander O, Lash JP, Cai J, Irvin MR, Newgard CB, Sofer T, Franceschini N
JournalClin J Am Soc Nephrol
Date Published2023 Feb 01
Keywordsalbuminuria, Hispanic or Latino, Humans, Hypertension, Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Urinalysis

BACKGROUND: Albuminuria is associated with metabolic abnormalities, but these relationships are not well understood. We studied the association of metabolites with albuminuria in Hispanic/Latino people, a population with high risk for metabolic disease.METHODS: We used data from 3736 participants from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos, of which 16% had diabetes and 9% had an increased urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR). Metabolites were quantified in fasting serum through nontargeted mass spectrometry (MS) analysis using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-MS/MS. Spot UACR was inverse normally transformed and tested for the association with each metabolite or combined, correlated metabolites, in covariate-adjusted models that accounted for the study design. In total, 132 metabolites were available for replication in the Hypertension Genetic Epidemiology Network study ( n =300), and 29 metabolites were available for replication in the Malmö Offspring Study ( n =999).RESULTS: Among 640 named metabolites, we identified 148 metabolites significantly associated with UACR, including 18 novel associations that replicated in independent samples. These metabolites showed enrichment for D-glutamine and D-glutamate metabolism and arginine biosynthesis, pathways previously reported for diabetes and insulin resistance. In correlated metabolite analyses, we identified two modules significantly associated with UACR, including a module composed of lipid metabolites related to the biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids and alpha linolenic acid and linoleic acid metabolism.CONCLUSIONS: Our study identified associations of albuminuria with metabolites involved in glucose dysregulation, and essential fatty acids and precursors of arachidonic acid in Hispanic/Latino population.PODCAST: This article contains a podcast at

Alternate JournalClin J Am Soc Nephrol
PubMed ID36517247
PubMed Central IDPMC10103280
Grant ListP30 DK124723 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
R01 DK117445 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
R01 MD012765 / MD / NIMHD NIH HHS / United States
Manuscript Lead/Corresponding Author Affiliation: 
Coordinating Center - Collaborative Studies Coordinating Center - UNC at Chapel Hill
Manuscript Affiliation: 
Coordinating Center - Collaborative Studies Coordinating Center - UNC at Chapel Hill
Manuscript Status: 