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An augmented likelihood approach for the Cox proportional hazards model with interval-censored auxiliary and validated outcome data-with application to the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.

TitleAn augmented likelihood approach for the Cox proportional hazards model with interval-censored auxiliary and validated outcome data-with application to the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos.
Publication TypePublication
AuthorsBoe LA, Shaw PA
JournalStat Methods Med Res
Date Published2023 Aug
KeywordsComputer Simulation, Hispanic or Latino, Humans, Likelihood Functions, Models, Statistical, Proportional Hazards Models, Self Report

In large epidemiologic studies, it is typical for an inexpensive, non-invasive procedure to be used to record disease status during regular follow-up visits, with less frequent assessment by a gold standard test. Inexpensive outcome measures like self-reported disease status are practical to obtain, but can be error-prone. Association analysis reliant on error-prone outcomes may lead to biased results; however, restricting analyses to only data from the less frequently observed error-free outcome could be inefficient. We have developed an augmented likelihood that incorporates data from both error-prone outcomes and a gold standard assessment. We conduct a numerical study to show how we can improve statistical efficiency by using the proposed method over standard approaches for interval-censored survival data that do not leverage auxiliary data. We extend this method for the complex survey design setting so that it can be applied in our motivating data example. Our method is applied to data from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos to assess the association between energy and protein intake and the risk of incident diabetes. In our application, we demonstrate how our method can be used in combination with regression calibration to additionally address the covariate measurement error in self-reported diet.

Alternate JournalStat Methods Med Res
PubMed ID37386847
PubMed Central IDPMC10515469
Grant ListR01 AI131771 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States
R37 AI131771 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States
Manuscript Status: 