DMCC Help:
For urgent safety issues, please text (rather than call) the PrecISE Medical Monitors:
- Dr. Dave Peden: 919 260 6343
- Dr. Allison Burbank: 479 841 0513
For other urgent issues, please email with " URGENT " in the subject line. For non-urgent issues, please use the appropriate email address in this section.)
CDART Q&A system. Coordinators should utilize the Q&A system in CDART for non-urgent questions regarding the DMS, visit schedule, eligibility, medication dispensing, safety, protocol clarification, etc. For information about how to use the Q&A system please see the PowerPoint presentation here:
- Investigators, coordinators and other site staff should use this email for questions about administrative tasks like site activation, changes in site staffing, certification, billing/reimbursements, IRB, etc. Investigators should utilize this email address if they have nonurgent protocol clarification or safety questions.
- general inbox for meeting, adding staff to invites, and studywide concerns.
Intervention Help:
MCT treatment rational, usage, and recipes/ASA24 related questions:
Procedures and Specimens Help:
Email the spirometry core at for any of the following:
Scheduling of spirometry training and certification sessions
Non-urgent Vyaire equipment repairs, syringe calibration questions or equipment requisitions
PFT overreading of historical data
Sputum Induction and Processing:
Biorepository supplies, processing, shipping:
Nasal swab collection questions: Dr. Matt Rank -
PBMC processing questions:
CT related questions:
ZEPHYRx firmware/software issues: call ZEPHYRx support at 1-888-452-6269 (staffed 7am-7pm, EST), or email
Vyaire software/hardware issues: Vyaire customer service at 1-800-231-2466.