In honor of an outstanding CSCC faculty member and mentor, Dr. James Hosking, we created the James Hosking Memorial Fund shortly after his death in January of 2007. Dr. Hosking received a PhD in quantitative psychology at UNC in 1980, and proceeded through a bright career in Biostatistics to become a Research Associate Professor in 1986 and Associate Director of the CSCC in 1991. Jim was responsible for designing many of the information systems and processes now in use at the Center, including the earliest remote data entry system used by any NIH coordinating center. He was head PI for the Coordinating Center for the COMBINE study and the ENRICHD study, among others, and Co-PI for the RIVUR and FAVORIT studies. "Over the 25 years he worked in the department," says Dr. Lisa LaVange, former Director of the CSCC, "he was a remarkable colleague and a true visionary."
The James D. Hosking Memorial Fund for CSCC Professional Development supports training and travel expenses for Center staff in order to increase their growth and development in the field of clinical trials research, including the disciplines of statistics, public health research, programming, data management, or project management. Awards will be granted yearly based on merit as judged by a committee within the CSCC, beginning in 2014.
To donate, please send a check (made out to UNC Public Health Foundation; denote James Hosking Memorial Fund on memo line) to:
Department of Biostatistics - CSCC
ATTN: Madison Rauscher
123 W. Franklin Street, Suite 400
Chapel Hill, NC 27516